How to conduct On-page Optimizations for a new Shopify website?

Shopify might be a no-fuss platform for developing a robust e-commerce store, but the website you build with it still has to be marketed efficiently. And when one talks about marketing in modern times, it mostly hints towards SEO and other powerful digital marketing avenues. While Shopify is reputed to be an SEO-friendly platform, which it is, but you still have to engage in outcome-oriented SEO for Shopify websites. The reason being: you are a player in a very competitive market - eCommerce. And success does not come easy here. So, you require the help of SEO service for Shopify stores. 

On-page optimizations are the basic but important SEO steps to earn a high ranking for your e-commerce store This is why you should engage an agency with in-depth experience in SEO for Shopify websites. However, in this post, we would reveal some of the key page optimization components for Shopify stores. 

  • Use only one H1 Tag on your Pages: H1 (Header 1) tags are the main headline for a page and contain the main keywords relevant to the page. It is important to note in this respect that Shopify page titles are default H1 tag for that page, so avoid manually adding H1 tags elsewhere.
  • Limit Page Titles within 60 Characters: Google displays only the first 50–60 characters of a page title, so it is important that the title is kept within that limit. Also, make sure that the main keywords are mentioned near the beginning. 
  • Provide Meta Descriptions within 155 characters: Though Google does not have any formal character limit for meta descriptions, recent SEO research suggests that descriptions are truncated from 155-character mark. 
  • Include the Main Keyword in URL: The page title used at the Shopify backend becomes page title becomes the default URL, so include the main keyword, while setting the title. 

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